[Preview] Take sometime to “Nurture” yourself with Porter Robinson at Rawhide

Porter Robinson’s Nurture Tour is quickly approaching its end, but not before making stops in Las Vegas, Phoenix, and San Diego. The Phoenix show is at one of my favorite venues, Rawhide Event Center where you may have seen Porter Robinson perform before at Decadence 2016 or Decadence 2018. One aspect of this upcoming show I’m especially looking forward to is the expansive stage with projections across the floor. This will make for an intimate, yet elevated performance space which cannot be missed. These past Porter Robinson shows brought life to me, and helped me to process the hardships going on in my life as well as the beautiful things that are so often overlooked. They also brought me friendship with Decadence 2016 introducing me to Carlos who photographs and writes for EDM Identity.

One previous show I attended really set the rhythm of my life into motion and that show was the inaugural Second Sky. Second Sky occurred during a time in my life where everything was dark, unknown. I was going through a breakup and drove 700 miles to catch Second Sky as my first show apart. It served as a place for me to process the trauma that comes with relationships ending and as a springboard towards putting energy into myself, my photography, and all the projects I was too depressed to tackle. At Second Sky, I was lucky to be consoled by Carlos who was photographing and that show helped give me direction. It reminded me to continue pursuing my passions especially photography and writing about music. To me Porter Robinson’s music has always been a form of therapy, with Worlds representing all the joyful experiences hidden in plain sight and Nurture a reflection on the joy the future will bring.

The album Nurture is musical therapy and I have had playing on repeat since it came out. It is a series of glimpses of hope during an otherwise dark period of time and gave me just the energy I needed to ride out the days of shutdowns and health crises. The whimsical piano and violin back tracking gently caresses Porter Robinson’s voice as he reminds us that life goes on and good things are to come. What sets Porter Robinson apart from other artists is that each album is more like a story than a series of songs with each track flowing effortlessly into the next. The theme of Nurture is to plant the seeds of change in the present so that tomorrow glows up beyond your wildest dreams. One of my favorite songs is “Wind Tempos” which has an angelic sound that I imagine as slowly lifting into the clouds, away from stresses and to a place where time stands still.

Whether you need to spend a moment with loved ones, or a moment with your most loved one AKA yourself Porter Robinson’s Nurture is guaranteed to embrace you and bring you into the moment. You will be living in a time for reflections, soul searching, and within reach of all your wildest dreams. Don’t be afraid to go to this show alone, it will change your life.
Grab your tickets to see Porter Robinson at the Rawhide today before this show sells out.